
LA Beaches:


18 Southern California Beaches:
3 Great Attraction Areas:
Los Angeles County, and nearby Orange County, have a variety of Beaches, an abundance of activities rarely found all in one area, and a mild climate that allows you to enjoy it. If you like Picturesque Beaches, then Malibu, San Pedro, Capistrano Beach, South Laguna, Laguna Beach, Corona Del Mar and Catalina Island are for you.
Surfing is best known at Huntington Beach (aka "Surf City") and Malibu, but is also good from Newport Beach south, as well as Manhattan Beach, San Pedro and Palos Verdes.
Fishing, Swimming, Biking, Rollerblading, Boogie-Boarding, etc are available at most Beaches. Venice Beach (aka "Muscle Beach") has the most entertaining walks on Weekends. San Pedro also has Ports o'Call and other sights. Seal Beach, Huntington Beach, Venice Beach, and the strip from Manhattan Beach to Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach have Restaurants and Shops near the Beach. Diving is best in San Pedro, South Laguna and from boats leaving Newport Beach, Huntington Harbour, Alamitos Bay near Belmont Shore, San Pedro, and Marina Del Rey.
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L.A. County Beaches
Orange Cty, Catalina

